Gam-Anon is a community of self-help support groups for family members and loved ones of individuals experiencing problems with gambling.GamTalk is an online support community for individuals experiencing problems with gambling.
To find an online meeting or in-person meeting near you, visit /meetings. SMART Recovery is a community of mutual support groups open to anyone seeking science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery.To find a meeting near you, visit /meeting.html. Bettors Anonymous (BA) is a community of self-help recovery support groups based on the same 12-step concept as Alcoholics Anonymous.To talk to a GA representative in your area, call your local hotline number found at /ga/hotlines.
To find a meeting near you, visit /ga/locations. Call (800) 522-4700 or find local treatment options online at /help-treatment/help-by-state. To find outpatient counseling or support services, call (800) 327-5050 or visit /pg-search.